Saturday, November 30, 2019

Informative speech about air pollution free essay sample

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about two causes and one effect of air pollution. Central Idea: The main two causes of air pollution and an effect of it in human body. Introduction: Hello, all of my audience, I want to start my speech by asking you guys that, How many of you know about Air pollution? Well today in the modern world we use a lot thing that leads to the air pollution. Whether its transportation, factory smoke, burning coals, etc. Okay today I’m here to inform you guys by giving a speech about air pollution, and its causes and effects toward human kinds. Cause 1: There many causes out there that leads to air pollution and one of them is from transportation. The cause of air pollution is most commonly known as large amount of smokes that comes from the traffic jam aka transportation. This happens every day with the use of fossil fuels in cars, trucks, and other fuel used transportations. We will write a custom essay sample on Informative speech about air pollution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page According to Elian energy website it shows a statistics that in the year of 2004 about 134. 4 billion gallons of oil have been used as fossil fuel. Well that was the one example from the year of 2004 but how about today? This is the fact that shows our everyday use of fuel and causation of air pollution in this environment, also the rest of the world. Cause 2: Another example that causes the air pollution is the smoke that comes from factory that burns oil to produce things or products. In the city or other places many factories produce smokes when the machines build products. Well one way it’s easier for human kinds not to work very hard because the machines are producing and doing the half of the jobs, however in another way the machines needs oil or other fuel source to run and which leads to produce smoke. This smoke goes out to the atmosphere and mixes with the air to cause air pollution as many of us know. Therefore, as consequences this cause leads to effects of human kind. Effect: There are many ways people get effect/impacted in their body for the cause of air pollution. And today almost everyone knows what asthma is, but doesn’t know, especially those who have lack of education problems, what’s the process or the condition to get affected with it in our human body. Moreover, when we inhale Oxygen from an area with very high level of air pollution can cause to get asthma, and have problems with breathing in and out. Conclusion: In conclusion, today I’ve informed you all, about the two causes and an effect of air pollution in our environment and world. The causes of transportations and factories smoke, burning fuels, leads to air pollution. And as consequences many of us victimize to asthma in our body. I hope this will give you guys more idea about air pollution and how does it altering our human kinds.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Pro Forma Definition - Economics

Pro Forma Definition - Economics Pro forma, originates as a Latin phrase which, literally translated, means something like for the sake of form. It is often used for specific purposes in economics and finance.   Our Ambivalence About the Phrase in Finance The briefest perusal of some dictionary definitions begins to express our ambivalence about the use of the term in economics and especially in finance. Some online dictionaries give relatively neutral definitions that adhere closely to the phrases Latin origins, such as according to form, as a matter of form, and for the sake of form. Other dictionary definitions begin to express more complex assessments of the meaning of the phrase, Merriam-Websters, for example: done or existing as something that is usual or required but that has little true meaning or importance  (emphasis added). Its not a far reach from little true meaning to not meaningful at all and potentially deceptive. Legitimate Instances of Pro Forma In reality, the greater number of uses of pro forma documents in finance are not deceptive at all; they serve a valuable purpose.  One such use, one that occurs frequently, has to do with financial statements. In most circumstances, a financial statement  reflects reality. In some circumstances, a financial statement that does not do so could be considered (in ascending order of wrongness): valueless, misleading or evidence of criminal misrepresentation. But a pro forma financial statement is (usually) a legitimate exception to that rule. Instead of answering the question What is the state of the balance sheet? or how much money did the enterprise earn in a given time period, a question answered by the income  statement, a pro forma balance sheet and income statement answers the question What would happen if...? Heres a good example: The corporation has earnings for the past year of $10M, with expenses of $7.5M. These are figures you might find in the income statement. But, executives wonder, what would be the effect of introducing a new product line (which would sharply ramp up expenses)? You would expect that in the shortest term, before the revenues from the new product line were realized, that profits would diminish considerably and that  revenues would go up very little. Youd also expect that over time the additional revenue from the new product line would more than pay for the increased expenses, and that the business would be more profitable. But, is that really true? At the point of youd expect... this is just a guess. How can you know, if not for sure, but at least with some   increased confidence that increased profitability will result?  Thats where pro forma financial documents come into play. A pro forma set of financial documents will refer to past performance as a guide to project would would likely happen in the future if we make a similar introduction. It answers the question What if...   When the company introduced a past product, the MicroWidget, operating costs rose X percent in the following three quarters, but in the fourth quarter increased revenue from the MicroWidget more than made up for the increased operating cost expense and net profit actually rose 14 percent year over year.   The pro forma balance sheets, income statements and statements of cash flows show what might happen if a new MacroWidget product is introduced, based on the data available. Pro Forma Statements vs. Certainty Note that a pro forma financial statement does not express certainty. It expresses what, with the data available, business leadership and accountancy professionals believe  is likely to happen. Often it does, and sometimes it does not. Nevertheless, pro forma statements serve a valuable purpose by introducing data that supports (or does not support) the original intuition that, for example, adding a MacroWidget to the product line is a good idea. It does so by quantifying the probable results based on past performance. The pro forma balance sheets, income statements  and, importantly, statements of cash flows give business executives a better idea of what will happen if.... The Downside of Pro Forma Statements The general intent of pro forma financial statements, to answer the question what will happen if... can be abused. In the notorious Enron collapse,  pro forma statements played an important part. Arthur Andersen Enrons auditors, it became clear in retrospect, were too close to the company to deliver reliable financial statements to financial markets. This was particularly true of the pro forma statements that projected a rosy future for Enron and purportedly were based on reasonable assumptions.    They utterly failed to predict what became instead a total collapse that sent Enron executives  to jail, ended the Arthur Andersen company and culminated in a prolonged and messy Enron bankruptcy in which stockholders and others lost hundreds of millions of dollars. Absent criminal intent, data that already exist are reliably what they propose. Data that are projections based on assumptions which is the essence of a pro forma statement are inevitably and categorically more subjective. In short, they are useful financial tools that are particularly easy to abuse. You shouldnt avoid using them, but you need to exercise caution. Books on Pro Forma Profits You Can Trust: Spotting and Surviving Accounting LandminesHow Companies Lie: Why Enron Is Just the Tip of the IcebergThe Valuation of Technology: Business and Financial Issues in RD Journal Articles on Pro Forma Assessing the relative informativeness and permanence of pro forma earnings and GAAP operating earningsThe Predictive Value of Expenses Excluded from Pro Forma EarningsAre Investors Misled by Pro Forma Earnings?

Friday, November 22, 2019

Cuánto se demora sacar la visa americana no inmigrante

Cunto se demora sacar la visa americana no inmigrante Los trmites para la visa americana no inmigrante se pueden demorar varias semanas, dependiendo del consulado o embajada en el que se solicita. Pero es posible estimar cuntos dà ­as pasan desde el dà ­a en que se inician los trmites al de la entrevista. A partir de la entrevista, la respuesta es rpida o incluso inmediata, tanto la aprobacià ³n como la denegacià ³n. La excepcià ³n son los casos en los que la solicitud entra en una fase de demora administrativa. En este artà ­culo se explican cà ³mo verificar el tiempo de demora segà ºn el tipo de visa y consulado, quà © puede suceder despuà ©s de la entrevista, cul es el formulario adicional conocido como DS-5535 que puede pedir el oficial consular  y por quà © es recomendable solicitar la visa con tiempo suficiente antes de la fecha planeada para viajar a Estados Unidos y por quà © no se deben comprar los boletos antes de tener la visa aprobada en mano. En el caso de estar interesados en la visa de inmigrante para la tarjeta de residencia permanente este artà ­culo no aplica. En otras palabras, la informacià ³n que se detalla a continuacià ³n aplica solamente a las visas no inmigrante como, por ejemplo, la de turista, estudiante, trabajo temporal, inversià ³n, intercambio, etc. Cà ³mo verificar eltiempo de demora de los trmites para la visa Desde que una persona solicita una cita para la visa hasta que obtiene el visado transcurren varios dà ­as, o incluso meses. Todo depende de la Embajada o Consulado en el que se haga la gestià ³n, del tipo de visa y tambià ©n de las caracterà ­sticas personales del solicitante. Para saber con bastante exactitud cunto hay que esperar desde que se hacen la citas para las visas hasta que se realizan las entrevistas en la oficina consular se puede consultar la herramienta que el Departamento de Estado ha creado para este fin. Simplemente se debe buscar en la cajita que aparece en esa pgina de internet el nombre de la ciudad en la que est ubicada la oficina consular a la que corresponde decidir si concede o rechaza la solicitud de visa. Una vez elegida la ciudad, aparecer una estimacià ³n en dà ­as sobre el tiempo que hay que esperar hasta que se realiza la entrevista. Aparecern varias estimaciones, dependiendo del tipo de visa que se solicita. Ejemplos de tiempos de demora segà ºn los consulados Por ejemplo en el momento en que se escribià ³ este artà ­culo,  si una persona en Bogot, Colombia, solicita una visa de turista, deber esperar 22 dà ­as naturales (segà ºn la fecha en la que este artà ­culo fue escrito. Verificar el actual) para ser entrevistado en la Embajada americana y otros dos dà ­as laborales para que se procese su peticià ³n, si es aprobada. Pero si solicita una visa de estudiante, la espera para la entrevista se reduce a siete dà ­as naturales, precisando dos dà ­as laborales para procesar la visa aprobada. Sin embargo, en Buenos Aires la peticià ³n de entrevista para una visa de turista es de 29 dà ­as naturales y el procesamiento de las aprobadas es de cinco dà ­as laborales. Dà ­as naturales y laborales en la tramitacià ³n de las visas Es conveniente prestar atencià ³n a la distincià ³n entre dà ­as naturales (calendar days) y dà ­as laborales (workdays). Cuando se habla de los primeros, se cuentan todos los dà ­as, incluidos los sbados, domingos y feriados. Por el contrario, si se refiere a dà ­as laborales se computa sà ³lo de lunes a viernes, excluyendo los feriados de Estados Unidos y los del paà ­s en los que se encuentra la oficina consular. Quà © pasa despuà ©s de la entrevista en el consulado Pueden darse 4  situaciones: En primer lugar, la visa es aprobada. Aunque cada consulado tiene un trmite distinto para entregar a su dueà ±o el pasaporte con la visa estampada en general puede hablarse que toma menos de siete dà ­as.  Estas son las  posibilidades se tiene de que aprueben la visa de turista  segà ºn el consulado en que se solicita. En segundo lugar, la visa entra en trmite administrativo.  Es decir, no es aprobada ni rechazada. Es lo que se conoce como procedimiento administrativo 221g. La razà ³n es que se requiere realizar ms investigacià ³n antes de llegar a una conclusià ³n final. Esta es una razà ³n muy importante para no dejar la solicitud de la visa para à ºltima hora, ya que puede surgir este problema. En tercer lugar, que el oficial consular pida que se llene un nuevo formulario, que se detalla en el siguiente apartado y que incluye informacià ³n sobre redes sociales. En cuarto lugar, la solicitud de visa es rechazada. Las causas pueden ser muy variadas. Estas son las 20 ms comunes. por causa de inelegibilidad. Adems, hay que tener en cuenta estas 22 causas que convierten a una persona en inadmisible para Estados Unidos y que por lo tanto hacen que la visa no se apruebe, no se renueve e incluso que teniendo visa vigente se niegue la entrada cuando se llega al control migratorio en la aduana americana. En los casos de negacià ³n de la visa, es importante saber cundo se  puede volver a solicitarla  y quà © debe cambiar para tener à ©xito en la nueva peticià ³n. Formulario solicitando informacià ³n sobre redes sociales El oficial consular est autorizada a pedir que se llene un nuevo formulario en el que se solicita, entre otras, la siguiente informacià ³n: Lugares de trabajo y residencia durante los à ºltimos 15 aà ±osPaà ­ses que se han visitado en los à ºltimos 15 aà ±osTodos los nà ºmeros de los pasaportes que se hayan utilizado previamente al actualTodas las cuentas de correo electrà ³nico que se han tenido en los à ºltimos 15 aà ±osTodas las cuentas que se han tenido en redes sociales como Facebook, Instagram o Twitter en los à ºltimos 5 aà ±os. En principio est previsto que los oficiales consulares soliciten que se rellene el formulario DS-5535 solo en los casos en los que la identidad del solicitante pueda confundirse con la de otra persona o en supuestos que afectan a la seguridad de los Estados Unidos, incluidos los casos de pertenencia a pandillas. Este formulario es relativamente nuevo y, por lo tanto, se desconoce cunto tiempo demorar en ser tramitada  y verificada la informacià ³n que contiene, por lo que no se puede estimar el tiempo de demora para sacar la visa en los casos en los que el oficial consular pida este documento. El solicitante de la visa puede negarse a dar la informacià ³n, pero la visa no ser aprobada. En la actualidad, el gobierno de Estados Unidos est intentando implementar como obligatorio la comunicacià ³n de todos los nombres usados redes sociales, correos electrà ³nicos y telà ©fonos por parte de todos los solicitantes de visas, tanto inmigrantes como no inmigrantes. De tener à ©xito, afectarà ­a a 700 mil potenciales inmigrantes y 14 millones de visitantes temporales anualmente. Sin embargo, un nutrido grupo de organizaciones de defensa de las libertades civiles e individuales se est oponiendo a esta medida. Situaciones de urgencia y quià ©n puede viajar a USA sin visa Si se presentase la necesidad de obtener una visa urgentemente es posible solicitar una  visa humanitaria  en casos muy limitados. Chilenos y espaà ±oles  pueden viajar a Estados Unidos sin visa para hacer turismo o para negocios. Si llegan por avià ³n, necesitan una  Autorizacià ³n Electrà ³nica conocida como ESTA. Este es el  listado completo de paà ­ses cuyos ciudadanos pueden viajar sin visa. En el caso de personas de doble nacionalidad, es importante saber cunto se puede ingresar sin visa a los Estados Unidos. En la actualidad, las personas que pueden viajar sin visa y rellenan el formulario ESTA se encuentran con una pregunta opcional en la que se solicita sus nombres en redes sociales. Test de respuestas mà ºltiples Se recomienda tomar  este test de 19 preguntas que sirve para comprobar los conocimientos bsicos sobre la visa de turista. Para evitar errores tontos que pueden dar lugar a su cancelacià ³n o a que no se apruebe. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Immigration in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Immigration in the United States - Essay Example Through out the world people strive to maintain and higher their standards of living and thus America being an attractive country for standards is a ideal place for people to immigrate to. These illegal immigrants are both beneficial and harmful to the United States of America. This article would further discuss the topic of illegal immigration in the United States of America. Neighboring countries of Mexico and Cuba have mainly created the wave of illegal immigration currently prevailing in the United States. These illegal immigrants have a great effect on the internal structure of the country and also have an effect on the economy of the country. People immigrating to the United States have a basic reason of maintaining their living standards or get united with their families currently living there (Dudley, 2002). Illegal immigrants have yet not been allowed by the government of United States to live and work on the land with their consent. This is mainly because of the damages caused by these immigrants through out the country. The immigrants currently living on the land of United States is increasing rapidly and is making the situation alarming for the authorities. The population of the whole country is increasing day by day and thus the problems in the country are increasing. Illegal immigrants have a direct impact on the employment rate of the Nativ e Americans. This is because of the cheap labor provided by these illegal immigrants to the employer. And naturally due to the cheap labor provided by these illegal immigrants they are preferred by the employers. It is estimated that these immigrants have dislocated 730,000 jobs in this process (Hazen & Lane, 1998). On the other hand these illegal immigrants add up to the already congested traffic in the United States of America. The required formalities before driving are not met by these illegal immigrants and thus these illegal immigrants are involved in more fatal accidents on the road. These illegal immigrants not only break the rules of the state but also destroy the image of the state. However on the other hand these illegal immigrants have been of a great benefit to the whole economy of the United States. The jobs done by the illegal immigrants through out United States are solely done by them and are not done by any other Native American. These illegal immigrants are specia lly being called upon by employers so that they can work on particular jobs which can only be done by them. This helps to fill the requirements of the United States in terms of labor. Similarly it is also commonly said that the illegal immigrants are not openly paying taxes to the government and are therefore affecting the whole economy of the United States. However with the help of a massive research campaign it was found out the illegal immigrants are paying taxes in accordance to the states policy. Illegal immigrants helped to make $428 dollars to the states gross domestic product in the year of 2006 (Newman, 2006). This shows that even without the documents these illegal immigrants are partially paying the taxes of the state. It is shown through extensive research that immigrants play a vital role in stabilizing the economy of the United States (Flash, 1965). They also play a varying role in different work fields and bring both skilled and unskilled labor to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

What higher food prices mean for both consumers and producers at your Essay

What higher food prices mean for both consumers and producers at your own country Which are the factors that drive the food prices higher What, and for whom, are the costs and benefits of such an increase - Essay Example Consequently, the producers’ increases food prices to the consumers so that they can manage continuous food production. This paper will discuss the impacts of increasing food prices to both the producers and consumers. Additionally, it will discuss the factors that drive the food prices high and what or for whom, the cost and benefits of such increase are. Increase in food prices may affect producers positively or negatively. High food prices may affect the demand of food negatively. When the food prices goes high, the demand may go low since consumers may decide to go for cheaper substitutes or may decide to entirely forego that kind of food. For instance, increase in soft juice prices, meat and juices reduce their consumption, since people will opt for alternative food that is cost friendly2. On the other hand, producers may benefit directly from the high prices of food since they will be making more profit. Food prices hikes due to increase in demand hence producers will be able to produce in bulk which will also earn them a lot of sales which in turn increases their profits. To the consumers higher food prices have detrimental effects since some people will be spending more money on food in such a way that they will not have money to spend on non-food items. People who are below average financially, might not afford some food if the prices are hiked hence they might opt to skip some meals which is dangerous to human health. Additionally, the chronic diseases will be in the rise since consumers cannot meet the required dietary needs3. Most people will buy food for general satisfaction without looking into the nutritional value of food. High food prices interfere with the consumer preference. If the consumers visits the market and find that the preferred food is expensive than usual, they shift their preference towards the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Green Room Productions Essay Example for Free

Green Room Productions Essay In November 1995, Trip Davis, Dartmouthalums, Greg Waldbaum and Eric Butz gathered for a meeting in the conference room of their Charlottesville, Virginia, office. The business partners had reached a crucial point in their startup business. Five months prior they combined their talents to provide professional and technology services in the travel industry by starting Green Room Productions, but the firm had been unable to find sufficient human resources to staff its technology projects. , the partners considered two options: close the business down or move to another city for the second time in five months. Both options that the partners were considering would have huge impacts of the professional careers and personal lives. Closing down would mean that they would have to seek employment with other companies, which could result in them having to relocate their families to another city. The other option, to relocate the company to a location where they could find qualified human resources would guarantee moving their families and still have the uncertainty of success. In the early and mid 90’s the Internet and . Com based companies were booming. In the Travel Industry, people who normally used Travel Agencies to make reservations for airline flights, hotels and auto rentals were now turning to internet based companies such as Prodigy and, which connected users through ATC’s computer to the Apollo Computer Reservation Systems (CRS), by translating complex codes and commands into a simpler interface. Although many .Com travel companies began to open, many sites lacked the proper interfaces necessary to link existing computer reservation systems to the Internet and did not offer on-line reservations that could be booked threw their website and usually provided advertisement and included a telephone number to call to complete the reservation process. In 1994 Trip Davis accepted a position as an analyst at Landmark Communications, which owned The Travel Channel. With 15 million individual subscribers, it was operating at a loss and needed to increase its subscriber base to 30 million to become profitable. Davis was given the task to find ways to increase the channels subscriber base and move towards profitability. Davis noticed the opportunities that the internet could provide. Landmark also owned the contents of The Weather Channel, and saw an opportunity to develop to expand its audience base. But Landmark did not own the contents of The Travel Channel so Davis began investigating ways to expand the channels audience and looked at the travel industry and the internet. Davis met with Internet Service Providers AOL, Prodigy and CompuServe who provided limited travel information on the Web sites and participated in conferences with companies such as Hilton, Delta, Marriott and Disney. These companies expressed the need for nationwide reach that currently were not being met. In 1995, Davis and Greg Waldbaum, who went to college together, ran into each other at a travel conference. Both had always had an interest in starting their own business and began discussing the opportunities of the travel industry and the Internet and decided to start a business together which would focus of two ideas: Provide technology services to help travel companies develop their Internet presence and develop original on-line content such as sightseeing guides to resorts and travel destinations. Davis, Waldbaum and another friend Butz started Green Room Productions. Pitching their â€Å"three S† sales pitch. Site: Set up and create Web site infrastructure; Systems: Create applications connected to the clients existing information infruastrure with systems that enabled customs to make reservations, book tickets, or transact other business on the clients Web site; Strategy: Assist clients with Internet strategy and maintain a focus on their brand. Clients such as The Travel Channel, Mountain Travel, Sobek, Disney and ITT Sheraton provided major projects for Green Room Productions ranging from half million to $1.o million and smaller HTML projects brought gross revenues of $10,000 to $100,000. Green Room Case Study Bibliography Carpenter, mason Andrew Strategic management: a dynamic perspective concepts/ Mason A. Carpenter, Wm. Gerard Sanders- 2nd ed. p. cm. P773 – 781 Green Room Production, LLC/ Fairchild, Gregory B.; Kelly, Dorothy C.; Singer, Susan 7/13/2006

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Violence in Wuthering Heights :: Wuthering Heights Essays

Violence in Wuthering Heights Wuthering Heights was written by Emile Brontà ©, one of the Brontà © sisters. The author finished this novel in 1847. After that, Emily died soon in 1848 at age thirty. In the nineteenth century Wuthering Heights becomes as classical novel. The readers who were read this novel were shocked by the Violence. In this paper, I will discuss the theme of the violence on Wuthering Heights. The novel takes place in England around 1760. the narrator, a gentleman named Lockwood. Lockwood rents a fine house and park called Thrush cross Grange in Yorkshire, and gradually learns more and more about the histories of two local families. This is what he learns from a housekeeper, Ellen Dean, who had been with one of the two families for all of her life. The story takes place in two main settings; Wuthering Heights and Thrush cross Grange, both situated on the harsh and desolate moors of Yorkshire. Emily Bronte actually grew up and lived in this place, and so her depiction of it is very accurate, and she uses her knowledge to emphasise the moods and attitudes of the characters. The people of these two houses differ from each other. The people from the Wuthering heights such as Heath cliff are generally angry, ill tempered, vengeful, and often immoral. These attitudes are clearly reflected through the large, cold and dark house, situated on top of a ruthless hill on the moors. Thrush cross Grange is a more cultivated, calm house, situated in a valley of the moors. Its inhabitants, including Edgar Linton, are generally more refined, with more morals and calmer attitudes than those of Wuthering Heights. Catherine Earnshaw, who is from Wuthering heights, is a character that creates the conflict throughout the whole book and between the t wo characters, Edgar and Heath cliff. To clarify more that Catherine is torn between her love for Heathcliff and her desire to be a gentlewoman, and her decision to marry the gentle Edgar Linton drags almost all of the novel's characters into conflict with Heathcliff To begin with, one of the main characters in Wuthering Heights is the devilish Heath cliff. An orphan despised since his birth. Heath cliff grows up to become a sadistic, cruel, vengeful and immoral man .He is often referred to as â€Å"like the devil† or as â€Å"evil†, and this is certainly the way he acts.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Education Essay

Sure Start Childrens Centre-Family based centres who not only provide early years education but offer help and support to parents too. Day Nursery-These are independently run businesses. Childminder-You would normally take your child to the childminders’ home. They can look after upto 6 children but no more than 3 of these can be under the age of 5. Nannie/Live in carer-Would look after your children in your home. There are four main types of State schools which are funded by local government. They all follow the National Curriculum and are monitored by Oftsed. Community School- Community schools are run by the local government, which employs school staff, owns the land and buildings, and sets the entrance criteria that decide which children are eligible for a place. Foundation and Trust schools- Foundation schools are run by a governing body which employs the staff and sets the entrance criteria. Land and buildings are owned either by the governing body or by a charitable foundation. Trust schools are similar, but are run together with an outside body – usually a business or charity – which has formed an educational trust. Voluntary aided school- Voluntary-aided schools are religious or faith schools. Just like foundation schools, the governing body employs the staff and sets the entrance criteria. School buildings and land are usually owned by a charity, often a church. Voluntary controlled schools- Voluntary controlled schools are a cross between community and voluntary aided schools. The local authority employs the staff and sets the entrance criteria, like a community school, but the school land and buildings are owned by a charity, often a church, which also appoints some members of the governing body. Other types of schools are; Specialist- State secondaries often specialise, which means they have an extra emphasis in one or two subjects. Schools can specialise in: the arts, maths and computing, business and enterprise, music, engineering, science, humanities, sports, languages, and technology. They would usually gain extra funding for these departments. Academies- Academies are independently managed schools set up by sponsors from business, faith or voluntary groups in partnership with the local authority and the government Department for Children, Schools and Families. Special school- Pupils at a special school have usually been assessed and given a statement of special educational needs (SEN). These may include learning disabilities or physical disabilities. Some special schools are funded by the local education authority. These could be community, voluntary-aided or controlled, or foundation special schools. Some special schools are independent. Free school- Free Schools are normally brand-new schools set up by teachers, charities, community or faith groups, universities and groups of parents where there is parental demand. They will be set up as Academies and will be funded in the same way, directly from central government. They also share with Academies a greater control over their finances, the curriculum, and teachers’ pay and conditions. There are several post16 options for young people and adults to consider. During the course of year 11 at school you should have met with a careers advisor who has a wealth of information that they can share regarding the different options available. Depending upon choice and exam results there are different routes that could be taken. Staying on at your own school to retake exams or partake in new subjects. Or sixth form at a new school to do the same thing. College is also another option for either the retaking of exams or to study something new. University is available for those who wish to take their education to another level. Employment is obviously an option immediately for some people who have been able to gain required exam results to obtain a position at work straight away. Volunteering to do work is an opportunity to gain invaluable experience that may be needed to clinch a position of employment. Task 2 The strategic purpose of the school governors, senior management team, other statutory roles, teachers and support staff is primarily to provide a safe, secure environment to provide an excellent range of teaching and learning. However they all have their own roles in facilitating this. School governors- Are responsible for how the school is performing, for staffing and budgeting. Challenging the head and/or teachers about any issues and ensuring that the school is meeting all of its pupils needs. Senior Management team- The head, deputy and heads of departments usually make up this team. The SMT will ensure that they keep the rest of the staff up to date with any issues and help to motivate staff and students in trying to lead by example. SENCO- Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator will oversee all of the pupils on role who have any sort of educational need and is usually directly involved with the management and deployment of the support staff. Teachers- Are responsible for providing students with the best education possible. They are role models to all students and their teaching will have a direct impact on them. They will help motivate students and colleagues. Support staff- Will work under the guidance of the Teacher either in the whole class setting, with small groups or indeed on a 1:1 basis. Again will be looked upon as a role model and supports both students and staff alike. Other professionals who may work with a school include; Educational psychologist, The Educational Psychologist’s role is to work closely with the Senco and parents to support children who are experiencing on going difficulties with learning. The Police, In our school we actually have a Police officer on site who all pupils get to meet and who also works closely with the local community. School nurses work closely with the school and various pupils who may have certain medical requirements. They also provide drop in clinics within school for confidential help such as quitting smoking. The ethos, mission, aims and values of a school should be reflected in working practices by leading through example. The Ethos of the school should be recognisable when entering the school setting as it is part and parcel of the environment of the school and the daily practice of the staff and pupils there. All adults who work at a school have an important esponsibility in modelling standards of behaviour, both in their dealings with children who attend the school and amongst colleagues, as their own example has a great influence on the children. Good associations and strong collaborations between adults will encourage the good behaviour in children. All adults within the school should aim to create an optimistic and positive environment that holds high but reasonable expectations of ev ery child who attends the school, emphasise the significance of being respected as an individual within the school as well as outside. Encourage, through example, truthfulness and politeness while encouraging children to have relationships based on fairness, kindness and understanding of the needs of the other children within the school. The ethos and mission of a school are often referred to as the same, however, they are both different. The mission of a school is based upon what the school intends to achieve in a more physical and academic way, as set out by the head teacher. This is often seen as a motto and slogan as you enter a school. Ours is â€Å"Inspire, Believe, Achieve†. The Ethos of a school is more related to the beliefs and feelings of a school. The Ethos of the school should be recognisable when entering the school environment as it is part of the nature and daily practice of the staff and pupils who work there. The ethos is set out for the whole school to be aware of and is reinforced through daily activities. It enforces that children’s safety is paramount and that the children are at the centre of everything. The aims of the school are set out by the head teacher in partnership with the parents, staff and the community which should provide all members of the school community with a safe and respected environment which is paramount in obtaining a successful learning environment. The aims for the children at our school are to provide each pupil with the appropriate balance of both challenge and support in their learning, to provide for the spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical development of the pupils regardless of their gender, race, ethnic background or disability. The roles of regulatory bodies relevant to the education sector which exist to monitor and enforce the legislative framework, including; General bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive. Health and Safety Executives (HSE) is a UK government body that is responsible for enforcing Health and Safety at work legislation. The HSE plays an additional role in producing advice on Health and Safety issues and guidance on relevant legislation. The HSE mission is to prevent ill health, injuries and to ensure that professionals within education or elsewhere are managing any significant risks arising from school activities and off the school premises. The HSE will check a number of things within a school e. g. toilet facilities for both staff and pupils, the condition of the school premises, medical rooms, water supplies, weather protection, lighting, heating and ventilation. Properly maintained flooring and that the appropriate measures are in place to prevent slips on wet surfaces. In the playground, the equipment that the children play on or use is not faulty or rusted and that the playground surfaces are adequate. On school trips and off site visits HSE will be carried out on any special educational or medical needs of the students. The age, competence and fitness of the pupils, along with the usual standard of behaviour. Adult to student ratio. The proficiency and experience of the accompanying adults. Modes of transport, journey routes and location visits as well as any emergency procedures. School specific regulatory bodies. School specific regulatory bodies (OFSTED for England) are responsible for carrying out inspections of colleges, children’s homes and schools to ensure that the quality of the service provided is adequate for every individual child and young person. During an inspection they will gather evidence based on the practice they are observing as well as what they learn from the people using the service. They then use this evidence and other information that is gathered to make a professional judgement on the service offered and it will then be published in an Ofsted report. The report will contain the quality of provision in the National Curriculum subjects and aspects of childcare, social care, education as well as learning and skills. Ofsted will also act as a regulator in checking that the people, premises and the services that are provided are suitable to care and educate children and potentially at risk young people. If childcare or a child’s social care provider does not meet the adequate or required standards then Ofsted will need them to take the necessary actions to improve their facilities. Policies are important because they help schools establish rules and procedures and create standards of quality for learning and safety, as well as expectations and accountability. Without these, schools would lack the structure and function necessary to provide the educational needs of students. Ultimately, policies are necessary to the success and safety of a school. Policies for staff are put in place to protect the staffs’ welfare and their rights within a school setting and to support staff in their management of situations they may be involved in. Every policy should outline its aims, purpose and responsibilities the staff will have. Examples of policies staff may have relating to; Anti-bullying policy: will outline what the school will do to prevent and tackle bullying. How the school will discuss, monitor and deal with bullying. Whistle blowing policy: will provide avenues for staff to raise genuine concerns about other members of staff and will allow a member of staff to take the matter further if they’re dissatisfied with the governing body or local authorities response. The policy will also assure staff of the steps that will be taken to protect themselves from reprisals in whistle blowing real worries. Pupil welfare policies will include; Discipline policy: which will show that the school will encourage positive behaviour which will enhance opportunities for children to learn and develop, and establish acceptable patterns of behaviour that will encourage a sense of responsibility towards others. Child protection policy: will consist of key elements in protecting children and young people, these elements being: To ensure that the appropriate steps will be taken in checking the suitability of staff and volunteers who work with children and young people in a school environment. Raise awareness of child protection issues and providing children with the skills and knowledge they require to keep themselves safe. Develop and apply procedures to identify and report cases, or suspected cases of abuse. Support victims of abuse in accordance with their arranged child protection plan. Establish safe surroundings in which children and young people can learn and develop to the best of their ability. Teaching and learning: will include curriculum policies, special educational needs policy, planning and assessment policy and marking policy. The aims and missions of these policies are to provide safe, stimulating learning environments for pupils and teachers. These policies are put in place to ensure that all children have an equal opportunity to the school curriculum so that learning is differentiated to fit each child’s individual learning needs and capabilities. Equality, diversity and inclusion: the following policies are set in place to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, abilities or disabilities, race or religious beliefs have equal access to the school and its curriculum and to be treated equally in every aspect of school life. The Gifted and Talented policy outlines the way that the school identifies what ‘gift and talented’ means and also identifies the procedures and measures that are used in supporting a child or young person who is gifted and talented. An Equal Opportunities Policy is set in place in education to ensure that children and staff recognise that discrimination on the foundation of colour, culture, origin, sex or ability is not acceptable and to ensure that all staff feel valued, supported and have the appropriate advice and encouragement for professional development. Children are to be seen as an individual and each child‘s education is to be developed in relation to their needs and abilities. Parental engagement: parents and families play a fundamental role in helping children achieve their full potential in education by supporting them in their learning and developing within their own homes. By working together with the child’s school parents can create a learning environment to help reinforce lessons that are learned at school. Homework policies contribute towards building responsibilities and self-discipline in a student. Homework should provide a student with the opportunity to apply the information they have learned in class, complete unfinished class assignments and develop independence. Home School Agreement: can raise standards and contribute to school success by providing structure for partnerships between home and schools on issues such as; pupils progress, information on what pupils will be taught and any concerns that may affect the pupils ability to learn. Parents are able to support and help their child’s learning at home with more success and confidence. Schools need to ensure that policies and procedures that are in place are regularly revised and updated. Each policy will be dated and have a date for its revision. There are model policies available on the internet through local education authorities to assist the schools in drawing them up as this can be a time consuming process. Depending on the policy, the person responsible for a curriculum area (for example, the numeracy coordinator) may produce a draft policy and then have it checked by other staff during a meeting. It will then need to be agreed or ratified by the governing body before it takes effect. The revised/new policies or procedures would be communicated/distributed in the appropriate way ie. If it was an updated mobile phone policy for pupils then letters would be sent to parents and the new version posted on the school website. National Government. The Department for Education is responsible for education and children’s services. Basically, this means that they are responsible for setting the national curriculum and early years foundation stage, which the schools and nurseries operate and also looks into new ways to develop the quality of service available to children. Other roles and responsibilities of the Department of Education include funding research into Education based projects concerning children and young people. Developing workforce reform such as the 2020 children’s workforce strategy. Promoting integrated working for those who work with children and young people. Developing the role of the third sector, which are non-government organisations, such as voluntary, community organisations and charities that work with children and young people. Local Government. Are responsible for providing services to all the schools in the community. The local Education authority is responsible for providing, school management issues, behaviour management, the development of school policies, staff training and development and special educational needs. The LEA will have policies which communicate their own leadership for schools in the community. The local authority will employ specialist advisers for different aspects of the curriculum. They will also have people with their own area of expertise in place for pupils with challenging behaviour and special educational needs. The majority of these services will be provided free to schools by the LEA, but in some circumstances the school could be expected to pay, this will be when specialist teachers need to come into the school setting. The LEA will be responsible for informing the schools in the community of changes to the education policy and they will then be given extra training within the area of changes. It is the responsibility of all schools to make sure they are up to date with all the current policies which are put in place for children, young people and their families. There are a large range of organisations that work with children and young people. All these organisations will delegate with each other as a team and share their knowledge and experiences to achieve the best interest of children and young people. Social services will work with schools if certain information comes to light about pupils or if they need to gather information for court reasons. Children’s Services. Are based on the framework Every Child Matters. These are basically based in different areas of professionals including; Education, health, early years, child care, social services and youth services. These will work with secondary schools, but will be more involved with the training and provision of young people from the age of 14 and beyond. National Health Services. There are many different services which will work with and within the school setting. These may be employed by the national health services and the primary care trust. This will include; Speech therapists, Occupational therapists, Physiotherapists.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Learning management system Essay

Introduction The internet has now become a part of the 21st century world. Everything and everyone is getting online. And those who are not doing so are missing out on the power of this modern age. Can the field of education be any far behind? Indeed not, as is evident from the introduction of E-learning! Learning is a complex process where student’s motivation, teacher, learning material and several other aspects interact with each other. Nowadays, the traditional classroom teaching has changed more and more into a virtual environment where different issues about learning has to be taken into account. Learning has dramatically changed over recent decades when technical revolution has brought different opportunities to learn via the Internet. E-learning is a term that is used to refer to computer-based learning. It uses computer based training and teaching materials, online conferencing, discussion boards, e-mail, computer-aided assessment, and other related methods. AdU E-learning has been introduced to the students of Adamson University. Each student has his/her own account. Their student number would be the username for the account and their initial password will be given through the ITC (Information Technology Center). This Learning Management System has clearly become one of the most adopted learning frameworks for education. AdU E-learning has become one of the innovations of learning and teaching for educational institution and it clearly defines a vast advantage of providing a newer form of learning environment for students and a great supplement for teachers. This will further enhance learning capability on a new better environment, providing student-enhanced learning method and for teachers with enhanced delivery and management for lessons. We chose this kind of topic for our thesis because we are aware of the benefits we can get from the E-learning. The most attractive feature of E-learning is that it is student-centered. Since most of the students are inclined to social networking sites, using E-learning is just a piece of cake. This software also accommodates individual preferences and needs. At the same time, it empowers students of various backgrounds to have equal access to the best resources and referral material, lecture sessions, and tutoring. The set-up of E-learning allows students to learn easily for the standardized tests by downloading the study material they want, rather than paying hefty bills to tuitions. In other words, the online environment allows a learning atmosphere where there is a better focus on study due to the effect of saved efforts, time and lesser hassles. E-learning opens up a new world of studying comfortably and with better results. Statement of the Problem Major Problem: How can AdU E-learning improve students’ learning ability? Minor Problems: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: a. Course b. Year level c. Age d. Frequency of using AdU E-learning e. Accessibility to the internet 2. How effective is AdU E-learning in terms of: a. Academic performance b. Dissemination of information c. Submission of projects d. Enrollment e. Grading f. Accessibility to lessons and discussions g. General graphical user interface h. Management of students’ records Scope and Limitations This study is all about improving students’ learning ability through AdU E-learning. We will study about how AdU E-learning helps students on different aspects. This also intends to sum up all the features of the said learning management system that aids on the easy accessibility Significance of the Study The study on the effectiveness of AdU E-learning on the improvement of students’learning ability is beneficial to the following: 1. Adamson University administrators will know how E-learning helps in the awareness of the students on information and updates about the school. This will also help them review on how helpful does the posting of grades online on the students’ assessment of his/her performance. 2. Adamson University Professors / Instructors can review a student’s scores and identify any areas that need additional teaching. Bringing a lot of school projects to be checked at home is a hassle but with the aid of E-learning they will have a convenient way of checking his/her student’s project. AdU E-learning can be updated easily and quickly. It is easy to keep up-to-date because the updated materials are simply uploaded to a server. Professors can also disseminate information through the software. 3. Adamson University students will be informed about updates and current events in Adamson University. E-learning is very beneficial when it comes to subject enlistment because through this the students can avoid crowded and long lines during enrollment. It also aids for a faster way of submitting any requirements to their professors. Through the posting of grades online, students can monitor their  academic performances. They will be aware on what subjects they need to focus on. It also saves paper because instead of printing or photocopying you can have an access to reading materials through PDFs and Powerpoint presentations. This is also a user-friendly software. Definition of Terms The following terms were used in the study: 1. Adamson University. It is a catholic university in Manila, Philippines wherein the researchers will conduct their survey. 2. AdU E-learning. It is an electronic learning software or a learning management system exclusive for Adamsonians that helps them have a convenient accessibility  to lectures and announcements. 3. Academic performance. This is one of the factors considered on how effective AdU E-learning is. It is the outcome of education — the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. 4. Engineering students. They are the respondents of this study. They’re the ones who take up any engineering courses in Adamson University. 5. General Graphical User interface. It is a program interface that takes advantage of the computer’s graphics capabilities to make the program easier to use. 6. Information. These are the facts provided or learned about something or someone. 7. Internet access. It is the means by which individual terminals, computers, mobile devices, and local area networks are connected to the global Internet. 8. Learning. It is a process where a human absorbs information, memorizes and processes it for further use. 9. Learning ability. It is the student’s mental ability. 10. Learning style. This refers to how a learner prefers to learn. 11. Online reservation of subjects. It is an easier way of enlisting or reserving the subjects the students want to take up for the next semester. 12. Technology. It refers to the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools,  machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. CHAPTER 2 Review of the Related Literature and Studies What are the processes that can improve students’ learning ability? According to Pashler, et. al. (2007), much of teaching is about helping students master new knowledge and skills and then helping students not to forget what they have learned. The recommendations are intended to provide teachers with specific strategies for organizing both  instruction and students’ studying of material to facilitate learning and remembering information, and to enable students to use what they have learned in new situations. We recommend a set of actions that teachers can take that reflect the process of teaching and learning, and that recognizes the ways in which instruction must respond to the state of the learner. It also reflects our central organizing principle that learning depends upon memory, and that memory of skills and concepts can be strengthened by relatively concrete—and in some cases quite non-obvious strategies. Furthermore, on www.collegeatlas. org, struggling to become a successful college student, some people erroneously believe that studying a lot is the answer. While increasing the amount of time you dedicated to your studies may be important, the key to becoming a successful college student is learning to studying smart. In college, time quickly becomes a rare commodity, course work is lengthy, competition is intense, and the level of expectation is quite a bit higher than it was when you were in high school. Sometimes you’re going to feel there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done, and done correctly. And you know what? You’ll be right! There will never be enough hours in the day to get everything done, if you don’t learn how to study smart. Our study skills guides for college students were designed with college students in mind. Time management, note taking, reading comprehension, essay writing, test taking, active listening, stress management, researching, and memorization are only a few of the topics addressed in our study skills guides for college students. If you’ll take the time to learn and apply the concepts, principles, and skills taught in our study guides and tutorials, you’ll not only  improve your academic performance and ability to learn, but you may even find that at the end of the day you have a little free time on your hands. (www. collegeatlas. org) According to the website, www. academictips. org, reviewing your chosen study topic is one of the techniques you have to do to improve one’s learning ability. The steps are as follows. After your five-minute rest, read the same information again. Concentrate only on those points that are most important. Then take another five-minute break and re-read once more, fitting all the bits of information together. Both of these reviews would be made even better by note-taking in whatever way you find easy and helpful. Make sure that the notes you make are well organized! One week and two weeks later review the topic again using your notes. By now you should have found that there has been a huge improvement in your ability to remember, understand and use that information. Finally, you must revise. This is simply a way of drawing loose ends together with the same study method but this time using your notes only. If you use the above methods while you are still following a course of study, your final revision will be  made much easier. Some students who have used these methods early find that very little final revision is necessary. They became so good at remembering the work during the course of the year that they didn’t need to do anymore! What are the effects of E-learning to students? According to â€Å"A Study Into The Effects Of E- Learning On Higher Education† by Singh, et. al. (2005), e-learning could have potentially major effects on the way higher education is designed, implemented and delivered. Until now, universities have been static in their structure and delivery of higher education courses. However, demand for learning has never been so high, and this in conjunction with the need to geographically broaden learning may prompt universities to introduce e-learning initiatives. The same demands for learning and the increased revenue of independent educational providers, has produced a real threat to the very existence of the traditional university. e-learning may provide universities with a means of exceeding the newly formed competition, by taking full advantage of their traditional, already established reputations. For students, e-learning can provide an educationally-superior alternative to traditional  lectures, in which learning can take place outside the lecture hall. e- learning can also provide a model for students on how to become self directed independent learners, which may assist them to become ‘life long learners’. For lecturers, networked learning may cause changes in work patterns and even change their professional role, but in addition, e-learning provides them with the opportunity to test students in real business situations and new methods to evaluate each student’s learning. The role of the lecturer is predominant in the successful delivery of networked  learning initiatives, as lecturers have the influence to eliminate student’s technical frustrations, make students feel empowered and encourage students to interact with one another. (Singh, et. al. , 2005) Based from the results of the study â€Å"The Effect of E-learning Approach on Students’ Achievement in Biomedical Instrumentation Course at Palestine Polytechnic University† by Arman, et. al (2009), the goal of any learning activity is for learning to take place. A common way to measure the effectiveness of instruction is to measure learner achievement. Measuring  learner achievement in e-learning environments requires special attention. In fact, traditional methods for measuring learner achievement can be applied to e-learning courses with some forethought and modification. Quizzes, exams, team and individual projects, as well as written assignments, can all be used in e-learning courses. The use of electronic mediums can even make grading of tests and quizzes easier because scores can be tabulated immediately following the completion of a quiz or test, providing quick and accurate feedback to learners. From their discussion, it is clear that e-learning approach has good efficiency in learning  and improves the students’ achievement and attitudes toward this new systematic way of learning using the new technology based on computer and multimedia tools. After the results of the research have been lighted, the researcher would like to suggest the following: The e-learning approach should be used in our universities, especially occupation military barriers are usual; execute practical sessions for students of all levels concerning use of LMS; encourage instructors to practice the e-learning approach and use LMS; and establish an authoring unit for e-learning of different courses with different experts. (Arman, et. al. , 2009) Moreover, on Rodgers’, â€Å"Student Engagement in the E-Learning Process and the Impact on Their Grades† (2008), after controlling for student personal characteristics, it was found that one extra hour of e-learning engagement increase the module mark by 1. 035%. Given a sample standard deviation of 5. 61 hours, differences in e-learning engagement can be viewed as accounting for 5. 81% of the variation in student marks. These findings suggest that academic performance could potentially be improved by developing teaching strategies that encourage  greater student engagement in the e-learning process. The paper also provides evidence of the impact on academic performance of mismatches between e-teaching styles and e-learning styles. Evidence is found of personal-characteristic related differences in the effectiveness of the online teaching process. It is found that, after controlling for other factors, female students benefited less from e-learning than did their male counterparts. The study also found some tentative evidence to suggest that there was an interaction effect between a student’s country of origin and e-learning effectiveness. (Rodgers,2008) If it is eventually possible to find e-teaching methods that can accommodate different e- learning styles then we are likely to see an improvement in overall student academic achievement on e-learning based courses. (Rodgers,2008) According to â€Å"The Impact of E-Learning on StudentsPerformance in Tertiary Institutions† by Oye, et. al. (2012), e-learning has become an increasingly popular learning approach in higher educational institutions due to the rapid growth of Internet technologies. E- learning is the use of information and communication technology to enhance and facilitate teaching and learning. This study examines the application of e-learning model to explain acceptance of the e-learning technology within the academic settings. The study confirms that in order to foster individuals’ intention to use an e-learning, positive perception on e-learning use is crucial. By using linear regression analysis, the study verified that, while attitudes have influence on intention to use, the actual e-learning use has significant effect on students’ academic performance. E-learning use is associated with increased students’ academic performance. Recommendation was that, training and information sessions on e-learning need to focus  primarily on how the e-learning technology can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of students’ learning process. (Oye, et. al, 2012) CHAPTER 3 Methodology Research Design The study about Improving Students’ Learning Ability through AdU E-learning uses descriptive research. Instrumentation This study uses survey form as its instrument. Sampling Technique CHAPTER 3 Methodology Research Design The study about Improving Students’ Learning Ability through AdU E-learning uses descriptive research. Instrumentation This study uses survey form as its instrument. Sampling Technique  Respondents were chosen using non-probability sampling technique. Statistical Treatment CHAPTER 4 Presentation of Data This chapter presents the data collected from the survey. Demographic Profile of the Respondents Course Frequency Percent (%) B. S. Computer Engineering 9 30 B. S. Electronics and Communications Engineering 21 70 B. S. Electrical Engineering 0 0 B. S. Civil Engineering 0 0 B. S. Industrial Engineering 0 0 B. S. Mechanical Engineering 0 0 B. S. Chemical Engineering 0 0 Total 30 100 Figure 1. Course of the Respondents Figure 1 explains the course of the respondents. 9 out of 30 or 30% of the respondents are taking B. S. Computer Engineering. 21 out of 30 or 70% of the respondents are taking B. S. Electronics and Communication Engineering. There were no respondents who take up the courses: B. S. Electric Engineering, B. S. Civil Engineering, B. S. Industrial Engineering, B. S. Mechanical Engineering, and B. S. Chemical Engineering. Year Frequency Percent(%) 1st Year 13 43. 33 2nd Year 1 3. 33 3rd Year 8 26. 67 4th Year 8 26. 67 5th Year 0 0 Total 30 100 Figure 2. Year Level of Respondents Figure 2 gives explanations on the year level of respondents. 13 out of 30 or 43. 33% ofthe respondents are on the 1st year level. 1 out of 30 or 3. 33% of the respondents are on the 2nd year level. 8 out of 30 or 26. 67% of the respondents are on the 3rd year level. 8 out of 30 or 26. 67% of the respondents are on the 4th year level. There were no respondents on the 5th year level. Age Frequency Percent (%) 16 years old or below 3 10 17-19 years old 22 73. 34 20-22 years old 4 13. 33 23 years old or above 1 3. 33 Total 30 100 Figure 3. Age of the Respondents Figure 3 gives details on the age of the respondents. 3 out of 30 or 10% of the respondents are 16 years old or below. 22 out of 30 or 73. 34% of the respondents are 17-19 years old. 4 out of 30 or 13. 33% of the respondents are 20-22 years old and 1 out of 30 or 3. 33% of the respondents are 23 years old or above. Frequency of using AdU E-learning Frequency Percent (%) Always 3 10 Seldom 15 50 Sometimes 12 40 Never 0 0 Total 30 100 Figure 4. Frequency of using AdU E-learning Figure 4 shows the frequency of using AdU E-learning. 3 out of 30 or 10% of the respondents are always using AdU E-learning. 15 out of 30 or 50% of the respondents are seldom using AdU E-learning. 12 out of 30 or 40% of the respondents are sometimes using AdU E-learning. There were no respondents who never used AdU E-learning. Devices used to access AdU E-learning Frequency Percent (%) Personal Computers 12 40 Computer Rentals 1 3. 33 Laptop 14 46. 67 Tablet 0 0 Android 3 10 Total 30 100 Figure 5. Devices used to access AdU E-learning Figure 5 shows the devices used by the respondents to access AdU E-learning. 12 out of 30 or 40% of the respondents are using personal computers to access AdU E-learning. 1 out of 30 or 3. 33% of the respondents are using computer rentals to access AdU E-learning. 14 out of 30 or 46. 67% of the respondents are using laptops to access AdU E-learning. 3 out of 30 or 10% of the respondents are using androids to access AdU E-learning. There were no respondents who use tablets to access AdU E-learning. Survey proper Academic Performances Frequency Percent (%) Yes 26 86. 67 No 4 13. 33 Total 30 100 Figure 6. Academic Performance Figure 6 shows that 26 out of 30 or 86. 67% of the respondents use AdU E-learning to help on their studies while 4 out of 30 or 13. 33% of the respondents stated that AdU E-learning does not help on their studies. Thus, AdU E-learning can help the students on their studies. Dissemination of Information Frequency Percent (%). Yes 16 53. 33 No 14 46. 67 Total 30 100 Figure 7. Dissemination of Information Figure 7 presents that 16 out of 30 or 53. 33% of the respondents are well-updated about the announcements, agendas and currents events happening in the school through the aid of AdU E-learning while 14 out of 30 or 46. 67% of the respondents are not well-updated about the announcements, agendas and currents events in the school through the aid of AdU E-learning. Thus, AdU E-learning is an efficient aid for keeping the students well-updated about the announcements, agendas and currents events happening in the school. Submission of Requirements Frequency Percent (%) Yes 13 43. 33 No 17 56. 67 Total 30 100 Figure 8. Submission of Requirements (projects, assignments and others) Figure 8 exhibits that 13 out of 30 or 43. 33% of the respondents use AdU E-learning to submit requirements to their professors while 17 out of 30 or 56. 67% of the respondents don’t use AdU E-learning to submit requirements to their professors. Thus, AdU E-learning as a means of submitting requirements to the professors is notyet introduced to most students of Adamson University. Reservation of Subjects Frequency Percent(%) Yes 22 73. 33 No 8 26. 67 Total 30 100 Figure 9. Reservation of Subjects Figure 9 shows that 22 out of 30 or 73. 33% of the respondents stated that reservation of subjects through the AdU E-learning is more convenient while 8 out of 30 or 26. 67% stated that reservation of subjects through AdU E-learning is not convenient. Thus, AdU E-learning makes it more convenient for the students to reserve subjects. Online Posting of Grades Frequency Percent(%) Yes 30 100 No 0 0 Total 30 100 Figure 10. Posting of Grades Figure 10 shows that 30 out of 30 or 100% affirm that posting of grades through AdU E-learning is helpful. There were no respondents who affirm that AdU E-learning’s posting of grades is not helpful. Thus, AdU E-learning’s posting of grades is very helpful to the students of Adamson University. Accessibility to Lessons and Discussions Frequency Percent(%) Yes 20 66. 67 No 10 33. 33 Total 30 100 Figure 11. Accessibility to Lessons and Discussions Figure 10 presents that 20 out of 30 or 66. 67% of the respondents use AdU E-learning as reference for their lessons in class while 10 out of 30 or 33. 33% of the respondents don’t use AdU E-learning as reference for their lessons in class. Thus, AdU E-learning is an effective reference for students’ lessons in class. Accessibility to AdU E-learning Frequency Percent(%) Yes 27 90 No 3 10 Total 30 100 Figure 12. Easy accessibility to AdU E-learning Figure 12 shows that 27 out of 30 or 90% of the respondents have an easy accessibility to AdU E-learning while 3 out of 30 or 10% of the respondents don’t have an easy accessibility to AdU E-learning. Thus, AdU E-learning can be easily accessed by the students. Effectiveness of Keeping Records Frequency Percent(%) Yes 27 90 No 3 10 Total 30 100 Figure 13. Effectiveness of Keeping Records. Figure 13 shows that 27 out of 30 or 90% of the respondents find AdU E-learning as an effective aid for keeping students’ records while 3 out of 30 or 10% of the respondents don’t find AdU E-learning as effective aid for keeping students’ records Thus, AdU E-learning is as an effective aid for keeping students’ record. CHAPTER 5 Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions: In this study, the following conclusions are derived: 1. Adamson University E-learning is very helpful to the students when it comes to their studies. 2. Adamson University E-learning is a useful means for disseminating information to the students. 3. Adamson University E-learning as a means for online submission of requirements is not yet introduced to most of the students in Adamson University. 4. Adamson University E-learning makes it easier and convenient for the students to reserve their subjects. 5. Posting of grades through Adamson University E-learning is very helpful for the students’ academic awareness. 6. Lectures, may be it a pdf file or a powerpoint presentation, uploaded in Adamson University E-learning by the instructors are of big help for the students. 7. Students find it easy to access Adamson University E-learning because of its user- friendly interface. 8. Adamson University E-learning is an effective aid for keeping students’ record. Recommendations Based on the mentioned conclusions, the following are recommended: 1. The professors should introduce the online submission of requirements through Adamson University E-learning so that it will make things easier and faster. 2. The maintenance of Adamson University E-learning should be focused on so that technical errors and problems can be avoided. 3. Dissemination of information through Adamson University E-learning should also be improved. Bibliography  Books, magazines and encyclopedias Pashler, H. , et. al. (2007). Organizing Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning . IES Practice Guide. NCER 2007-2004. National Center for Education Research, 63. Available from: ED Pubs. PO Box 1398Jessup. Singh, G. , et. al. (2005). A Study into the Effects of E-Learning on Higher Education. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. Arman, A. , et. al. (2009). Effect of E-learning Approach on Students’ Achievement in Biomedical Instrumentation Course at Palestine Polytechnic University. Innovation and Knowledge. Management in Twin Track Economies: Challenges & Solutions, Vols 1-3. K. S. Soliman. Norristown, Int Business Information Management Assoc-Ibima: 1553-1557. Rodgers, T. (2008). Student Engagement in the E-Learning Process and the Impact on Their Grades. International: Journal of Cyber Society and Education. Oye, N. D. (2012). The Impact of E-Learning on StudentsPerformance in Tertiary Institutions. IRACST – International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), ISSN: 2250-3501. Internet www. collegeatlas. org www. academictips. org

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos por los abuelos

Ciudadanà ­a de los Estados Unidos por los abuelos Entre los caminos que existen para adquirir la ciudadanà ­a americana, uno es por derecho de sangre que se deriva a travà ©s de los abuelos. Esto aplica al caso de nià ±os nacidos fuera de Estados Unidos  que son hijos de padre o madre ciudadano americano pero estos no cumplen los requisitos para transmitirles la nacionalidad en el momento del nacimiento. Al mismo tiempo, estos nià ±os residen habitualmente en un paà ­s distinto a los Estados Unidos. Por ejemplo, una seà ±ora americana vive desde que nace hasta los 24 aà ±os en Estados Unidos. Viaja al extranjero y se queda a vivir allà ­, donde forma una familia. Su hijo nacido en el extranjero va a ser americano desde el momento de su nacimiento. Y este nià ±o siempre vive en el paà ­s en el que ha nacido, con o sin viajes espordicos a Estados Unidos. Con el paso de los aà ±os ese hijo  se convierte en adulto y tiene un hijo. Este infante (nieto de ciudadana americana), no es americano por nacimiento, a pesar de ser hijo de un estadounidense. Para estos casos y similares aplica el supuesto que se explica en este artà ­culo a continuacià ³n. Requisitos para adquirir la ciudadana por uno de los abuelos Se deben cumplir TODOS los requisitos siguientes: El nià ±o ha de ser menor de 18 aà ±os de edad y soltero Tiene que vivir habitualmente fuera de los Estados Unidos y con su padre o madre que es ciudadano, quien debe tener su custodia legal, en solitario o compartida con el otro progenitor. la à ºnica excepcià ³n es en el caso de que haya fallecido. En este caso el progenitor que sobrevive o el guardin legal deben no oponerse a que el nià ±o adquiera la ciudadanà ­a de USA por un abuelo.El padre o la madre del nià ±o deben ser ciudadanos americanos. Es indiferente cà ³mo adquirieron esa condicià ³n.  El abuelo o la abuela tienen que ser ciudadano  en el momento en el que se solicita la ciudadanà ­a para el nieto o nieta. Si ha fallecido, debe probarse que lo era en el momento de su fallecimiento.Adems, debe poder demostrar con documentacià ³n que el abuelo o abuela ha residido en Estados Unidos por un mà ­nimo de cinco aà ±os, de los que al menos dos ha tenido que ser despuà ©s de haber cumplido los 14. Si ha falle cido, este requisito debe haberse cumplido antes de la fecha de fallecimiento. El tiempo no tiene que ser seguido. Es suficiente sumar el total del periodo que se pide. En el caso de militares, los tiempos de presencia en Estados Unidos se computan de una manera especial. Tramitacin de la solicitud de ciudadana para el nieto En estos casos, los nià ±os no adquieren la ciudadanà ­a de forma automtica. Es necesaria realizar una tramitacià ³n que debe completarse en los Estados Unidos. Para ello es necesario que el infante ingrese legalmente al paà ­s. Generalmente lo har con una visa de turista pero puede hacerlo con cualquiera otra. Destacar que los consulados no estn obligados a aprobar visas. Conceden las visas si se cumplen los requisitos especà ­ficos de cada uno de ellas.   Una vez en Estados Unidos, el nià ±o debe mantener en todo momento presencia legal. Esto es muy importante y tener claro la fecha mxima para permanecer legalmente en el paà ­s.   A continuacià ³n debe llenarse la planilla  N-600K, que debe ser firmada por el progenitor que es ciudadano americano. Si el progenitor ha fallecido, podr hacerlo el abuelo ciudadano o el progenitor sobreviviente. En este caso tener en cuenta que no pueden haber pasado ms de cinco aà ±os a contar desde el dà ­a en que fallecià ³ el padre o madre ciudadano. Tambià ©n hay que pagar el arancel correspondiente, adjuntar en inglà ©s toda la documentacià ³n de apoyo que se pide. Documentos que hay que enviar con la planilla N-600K Todos los documentos en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s tienen que ser traducidos y acompaà ±ados por un certificado de traduccià ³n. Entre los documentos que se necesita adjuntar estn: Certificado de nacimiento del nià ±o.Si los padres estn casados, los certificados de matrimonio. Si previamente han estado casados, los certificados de divorcio o de viudedad que puso fin al anterior matrimonio.  Si los padres no estn casados y el ciudadano es el padre, documento que acredite la legitimacià ³n del hijo.En los casos de separacià ³n o divorcio, documento que acredite que se tiene la custodia legal sobre el menor.Documento que acredite la ciudadanà ­a del padre o madre y la del abuelo o abuela.  Documentos que acrediten que el abuelo o abuela cumple con los requisitos de presencia de cinco aà ±os en Estados Unidos o sus territorios de los cuales dos han tenido que ser despuà ©s de cumplir los 14 aà ±os. El tiempo no tiene que ser continuo. Y si el abuelo o abuela adquirieron la ciudadanà ­a despuà ©s de nacer, tambià ©n se puede computar el tiempo transcurrido en Estados Unidos con un estatus diferente al de ciudadano.  Documentos que acredite que el inf ante est legalmente en los Estados Unidos, como copia de la visa y del I-94.   Evidencia que demuestre cambios legales de nombres y/o apellidos, si los hubiera habido. Tener en cuenta que si previamente se ha enviado al USCIS esta documentacià ³n en relacià ³n a la peticià ³n de una tarjeta de residencia para el hijo por parte de un ciudadano americano, entonces no ser necesario volverla a enviar. Adems, tener presente que para el cà ³mputo de presencia se considera Estados Unidos y sus territorios cualquiera de los 50 estados de la Unià ³n Americana, Puerto Rico, Samoa, Guam, Islas Và ­rgenes Americanas y las Islas Marianas del Norte.   Qu documentos sirven para acreditar presencia en los Estados Unidos? En realidad, cualquiera que sirva para demostrar este requisito. Los que ms frecuentemente se aceptan son: Rà ©cords mà ©dicos, militares o de escuela.Recibos de pago de hipotecas, alquileres, electricidad, seguros, etc. Contratos de todo tipoPrueba de haber trabajado como el W-2.Pago de impuestos (tax returns) Escrituras de propiedad Declaraciones juradas de miembros de iglesias, sindicatos (union) u otro tipo de organizaciones. Direccin a la que se enva la papelera USCISP.O. Box 20100Phoenix, AZ 85036 O por correo urgente a: USCISAttn: Form N-600K1820 E. Skyharbor Circle SSuite 100Phoenix, AZ 85034 Los militares deben aplicar al centro del USCIS en Lincoln, Nebraska. Entrevista, juramento, ciudadana y pasaporte Es posible que durante la tramitacià ³n de la naturalizacià ³n, el nià ±o y su abuelo ciudadano tengan que ir a una oficina del USCIS a una entrevista. Sin embargo, es posible que Inmigracià ³n determine que no es necesaria por tener ya toda la documentacià ³n necesaria para probar que el infante es elegible para este derecho.   Si el USCIS considera que se cumplen todos los requisitos y se reconoce la ciudadanà ­a al menor, à ©ste tendr que prestar el juramento de lealtad a los Estados Unidos (Oath of Allegiance) si ya ha cumplido los 14 aà ±os de edad. Si es ms pequeà ±o se considera que no tiene capacidad para entenderlo y, por lo tanto, no se pide que cumpla con esta obligacià ³n. Cuando se recibe el Certificado de Ciudadanà ­a ya se es ciudadano. A partir de ahà ­ ya se puede solicitar un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social y un pasaporte para el menor. Respecto a esto à ºltimo, tener en cuenta las reglas de la presencia de ambos padres. Adems, informarse sobre los documentos que puede utilizar un estadounidense para ingresar y salir del paà ­s y quà © tipo de documentacià ³n se pide cuando un menor viaja internacionalmente solo o en compaà ±Ãƒ ­a de solamente uno de los padres. Qu sucede cuando el USCIS no aprueba la peticin Si el gobierno considera que no se reà ºnen todos los requisitos enumerados en las leyes, asà ­ lo comunicar por carta notificando la razà ³n para la negativa. A partir de ahà ­ se tiene un plazo de 30 dà ­as para apelar la decisià ³n. Ley que regula este derecho La seccià ³n 322 de la Ley de Naturalizacià ³n e Inmigracià ³n (INA, siglas en inglà ©s) regula los derechos de los nià ±os nacidos en el extranjeros que pueden tener derecho a la ciudadanà ­a americana. Tambià ©n es fundamental para la adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a por los abuelos la Ley de Ciudadanà ­a para nià ±os o Child Citizenship Act (CCA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) del aà ±o 2000 y que entrà ³ en vigor el 27 de febrero de 2001. Hay que tener siempre en cuenta que es frecuente que las leyes sufran reformas con el paso del tiempo, como le ha pasado a la INA en numerosas ocasiones. Por lo tanto, muchas veces conviene informarse no sà ³lo de lo que aplica ahora sino tambià ©n de lo que aplicaba en el momento en el que una persona nacià ³ y ver si esa situacià ³n, si es beneficiosa, puede todavà ­a reclamar o ya no. Tip Si una persona tiene dudas sobre si es ciudadana americana o no, siempre puede marcar al 1-800-375-5283. Tambià ©n se puede escribir un correo electrà ³nico a: O se puede contratar los servicios de un abogado de inmigracià ³n experto en asuntos de ciudadanà ­a y naturalizacià ³n. A tener en cuenta Este derecho se deriva de abuelo o abuela. Y tambià ©n es indiferente si se trata por el lado materno o el paterno.  Asimismo, los nià ±os que se pueden beneficiar son tanto los varones como las mujeres. No hay distincià ³n por razà ³n de sexo. En el caso de militares, verificar las reglas especiales que aplican para contabilizar el tiempo residido en Estados Unidos. Tambià ©n aplican para ellos reglas especiales sobre la presencia fà ­sica del menor en Estados Unidos durante la tramitacià ³n de la naturalizacià ³n. Por à ºltimo, si el và ­nculo entre el progenitor ciudadano y el hijo es por adopcià ³n, informarse sobre todos los casos posibles.   Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso en particular.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Source Review for the article The touch screen generation Essay - 1

Source Review for the article The touch screen generation - Essay Example Most of the parents are following the strict on screen rules. In the article â€Å"Touch Screen Generation†, â€Å"Hanna Rosin† discusses the positive as well as negative aspects of the digital media. Rosin believes that parents should restrict the children to use digital media improperly. Rosin argues that parents should make rules at home about the amount of time children spent on digital media. American Academy of Pediatrics published a report in 1999 in which the organization enlightened the good and bad aspects of the digital media on the toddlers and younger children. Social and professional organizations such as American Academy of Pediatrics should continue make suggestions about the amount of screen time children should be allowed. Social and professional organizations are helping the society in understanding the social and educational facts by compiling the facts and figures. American Academy of Pediatrics is of the professional organizations that are helping the parents to better understand the needs of the children and how to restrict the children from using digital media. Parents should keep in mind that they should properly make strict rules at home for the children about the screen time. The organization prohibited the parents to allow their children to watch televisions or other form of digital media less at than 2 years of age. However, the report published by American Academy of Pediatrics encouraged the parents to allow their children older than 2 years to watch education programs. The educational programs have positive impacts on the children (Rosin, 2013). The updated report was published in 2011 and it has lesser impact on the parents, as about 90% of the parents have allowed their children less than 2 years old to used electronic media. In 2011, the report was updated and took the previous stance of discouraging the children to use â€Å"smart phone† and new screen technologies but in this report, the organization did not

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Children of Men Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Children of Men - Movie Review Example This essay demonstrates that it is noteworthy that the only hope for the human suffering from infertility is vested in a black pregnant woman Kee. The latter, in her turn, embodies the European myth of ‘noble savage’, the person representing a more authentic version of people â€Å"surrounded by a natural environment and living according to the rules of nature† (Cornea 184). For this reason, human infertility in the film creates the opposition between people and nature because while people lose their ability to reproduce animals retain it, which is evident in the examples of farm animals in the immigrant camp. In other words, Kee’s racial identity symbolizes her return to the natural state of mankind, which is further stressed by her pregnancy as the sign of her close ties with nature. Animals are also significant in the film because Kee makes her pregnancy known to her protector Theo in the barn standing surrounded by calves. The scene takes on symbolic me aning because it equates Kee and her unborn child with the Madonna and child as the only hope of humanity. What is more, the barn scene partially explains the reason for the human-nature opposition and ensuing conflict in the movie. Kee notices that the cows are mutilated to fit the particular types of milking machines serving human needs. In her view, it would have been more reasonable to adjust the machines to nature (Children of Men). Thus, it becomes evident that the denial of nature lies at heart of infertility treated as a broad concept in the film.